Sunday 25 June 2017

Sleepers; Survivor

Survivors - Those who still live after a near death experience, all Survivors are amnesiacs, trying to piece their shattered lives back together. Survivors are hunted by whatever failed to end them, The Hunter, whether it be another Sleeper / Winged / Other, a Dream creature, a Source, etc. The Hunter becomes a major antagonist / character. Survivor goals include finding their Hunter, protecting others, surviving further.

The player may be aware of what is hunting them, but we would like to enforce some mystery resulting in shock and heightened tensions.
Survivors always react in abject terror near their Hunter. This is to enforce a dynamic where the near indestructible Survivor acts as a heavy 99% of the time, but becomes useless and needs to be protected in that 1%. This creates a roleplay arc based on dependability, trauma, image, etc.
Survivors' gift is an AEGIS, a piece of their past life that offers them protection. The Aegis gifts the Survivor with many abilities and strengths, but stops working in proximity with The Hunter, after alarming the Survivor.

Survivors use Memories for personal buffs.
Survivors can always consume Memories to learn personal Memories they have lost, rather than at random.
Survivors use Hopes to add new abilities to their Aegis.
Embracing Personal Hope, the Survivor learns of their past, their survival, and his to defeat the Hunter. The Aegis' restriction is broken, the Survivor is no longer weakened by the Hunter, and with new knowledge they can seek out and destroy the Hunter

When you create your Survivor, pick one of the following;
* Lost in the Rubble; Of many, you are the only survivor...
* Trapped in the Web; You were targeted...
* Blind in the Dark; You don't know why you are hunted...

When you create your Aegis, pick five of the following (you may choose the same multiple times);
* Cockroach; You gain stamina..
* Bat; You gain foot-speed...
* Mugwump; You gain weapon strength...
* Fox; You gain weapon finesse...
* Fish; You gain mental resilience...


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