Thursday, 6 July 2017

Example; Smith


A powerful Libretto forged by unknown hands, containing the power of <POWER>
* This Libretto is missing pages containing songs related to harnessing, summoning and controlling great power. Adding Hope to the Libretto will unlock Songs linked to that power.
* Your Libretto gains the Song "Those Alcoholic Afternoons"
* Once per Event, you may channel the power trapped inside your book; hold your Libretto out at arm's length, and call BLAST! at a target. Targets hit by BLAST! lose all armour and natural armour, and are thrown onto the ground by force, dropping their weapon. If they have no armour or natural armour, they lose all hits.
BLAST! makes no weapon contact, and thus you cannot call DODGE!
* You start each event with a minimum of  5 Emotion

* OPHELIA'S OVERTURE ; A Song to harness power...
Your Libretto gains the Song "Heart of Glass"

* PAHL'MUN'S ARIA ; A Song to speak to the powerful...
Your Libretto gains the Song "Reach Out, Touch Faith"
* PAHL'MUN'S ARIA ; A Song to speak to the powerful...
Your Libretto gains the Song "If I Only Could, I'd Make A Deal With God"

* COALLUS' CHORUS ; A Song you never asked for...
Your Libretto gains the Song "Money For Nothing, Tricks For Free"
* COALLUS' CHORUS ; A Song you never asked for...
Your Libretto gains the Song "Heart Shaped Box"

* Smiths can use Memories to power a Song to Maximum without spending the minimum Emotion cost.
* Smith's can use Memories to add basic songs to their Libretto. You will always gain an "upgraded" song for one you already have before a brand new kind of Song.
* Smiths can use Hopes to add extra pages to their Libretto, gaining a new Unique Song. (It may be possible there are Songs that can only be discovered this way, rather than Personal Hope,  see below)
* Embracing personal Hope, the Smith discovers their ties to Winged song. The Hope completes and empowers their Libretto, adding both a Unique Song and giving the Libretto access to all 25 basic Songs.


You may take an additional Item.

All from Shelter gain 5 Scrap.

Once an Event, you may meditate for 5 minutes to gain insight on a problem linked to one of the Realms you have a Brief on, or one of your personal Realms.
You may reduce this by a minute, to a minimum of 1, for each Emotion spent in addition; roleplay feeling this emotion for each spent afterwards.

You may take an additional Item.

All from Kingdom gain 5 Scrap.


* You start each event with a minimum of 5 Emotion.
* Every song requires an amount of Emotion to be spent, as well as minimum 30 seconds of roleplay. This doesn't need to necessarily be so going; it can be prose, poetry, dance, any form of performing. It must be appropriate in some way or another.
* If a song uses Emotion or Scrap, this is in addition to minimum cost.
* Extra Emotion and effort can be of into the song to improve its effects.
* Any emotion you spend for a song's minimum cost must be roleplayed.
* As well as singing the Songs you know for their desired effect, you may attempt to Sing a Song of your own choosing for your own effect; this will not necessarily have any effect, but is more likely to do *something* through effort, performance, and Emotion spent.
* Multiple​ people may join in with your Song. This will have an added effect; this effect can be greater if they can also Sing, and even greater if they are a Smith.

TITLE; Heart of Glass
DESCRIPTION; Convert a bag of any amount of Emotion into different Emotion.
BASIC EFFECT; Exchanges the total bag for 1 random Emotion.
MAXIMUM EFFECT; Exchanges the total bag for 10 Emotion, matching the tone of the performance.

TITLE; Those Alcoholic Afternoons
DESCRIPTION; Turns every 5 Emotion in a bag of any amount of Emotion into Memories. The bag, or container, must be in your hand.
The Memories created are not personal to any Sleeper.
MINIMUM COST; 10 Emotion
BASIC EFFECT; Turns every 5 Emotion into 1 Memory, to a maximum of 1 Memory.
MAXIMUM EFFECT; Turns every 5 Emotion into 1 Memory, to a maximum of 2 Memories.

TITLE; Money For Nothing, Tricks For Free
DESCRIPTION; Convert a bag of any amount of Emotion into Scrap, or vice versa. The bag, or container, must be in your hand.
BASIC EFFECT; Exchanges the total bag for 1 of the desired currency.
MAXIMUM EFFECT; Exchanges the total bag for 10 of the desired currency.

TITLE; Your Heart Shaped Box
DESCRIPTION; Turns every 5 Scrap in a bag of any amount of Scrap into Keys. The bag, or container, must be in your hand.
BASIC EFFECT; Turns every 5 Scrap into 1 Key, to a maximum of 5 keys.
MAXIMUM EFFECT; Turns every 5 Scrap into 5 Keys, to a maximum of 5 keys.

TITLE; Reach Out, Touch Faith
DESCRIPTION; Grab the attention of a Patron, a powerful being, linked to a personal Realm or a Realm you have the Brief for. Only certain beings may be Patrons. You may attempt to gain the attention of a specific being. The target of it's attention does not need to be you.
BASIC EFFECT; The being knows who the target is.
MAXIMUM EFFECT; The Target gains the being's Mark, and is healed to full Hits.

TITLE; If I Only Could, I'd Make A Deal With God
DESCRIPTION; You call a Patron to help or hinder a target with that Patron's Mark.
The Patron, if powerful enough, is not bound to honour the motive of your call. If they favour a target you ask to hinder, they may help them, and vice versa.
The Patron may expect a debt...
BASIC EFFECT; The target is hit with STUN!, or healed to full Hits.
MAXIMUM EFFECT; The target is hit with BLAST!, or they gain a permanent Hit, DODGE, combat call, etc.

* MEMORY; Spark a social change in The Kingdom, using only your voice.
* MEMORY; Perform 10 Songs.
* MEMORY; Gain the Maximum Effect on 3 Songs you perform.

5 Emotion, 5 Emotion, 5 Emotion, 5 Emotion

1 Hit
1 BLAST! W/Libretto p/Event
1 Key
10 Scrap
25 Emotion

Starts each Event with a minimum of 10 Emotion.

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