The Realm of Strength, Geburrah, resembles an enormous bowl; the outside, or lip of the bowl, is the bustling city of Judgement, part nuevo classical, part military-grade sports arena. All buildings face inwards, so the centre of the realm can be seen always; for those parts of Judgement where the view is obscured, or poorer parts of the city, enormous theatre like screens stand, the view of the battlefield ahead cast onto them.
The inside of the bowl is a humongous, shifting battlefield. This is Arena, the Ever Colosseum. Geburrah is dedicated to Strength as judgment, the Dreamer's inherent need to cast doubts and accusations against another. In Arena, every battle is fought, every anger and grudge is followed through to bloody conclusion or endless, violent stalemate. The city of Judgement watches, cheering on the fighters, delighting in their voyeuristic, cruel entertainment. The citizens of Judgement are always filled with violent furor, glued to their screens or windows, unable to turn away from Arena; they are addicted to violent entertainment, gripped by the spectacle of large, or small, scale war.
Fighters in the Arena come from all walks of life; some are soldiers, entire armies, dedicated to constant fighting, while others are Dreamers, Winged or Red Blooded caught in an angry conflict. Others are not native to Geburrah at all, kidnapped from other Realms by Winged pirates to fight for entertainment in the Arena. This means all sorts fight in Arena; Fears from Netzach, Military Vehicles from Malkuth, Mugwumps from Yesod, Gods from Binah, etc. While fights start personal, they soon become chaotic, all versus all facasses, a never ending battle royale, watched by a roaring, fickle city with their own rapidly changing favourites.
A dominating shape in the horizon is the bustling palace of War, Arena's reigning concept. While the palace is frozen over, encased in thick impregnable ice, War has not been seen for aeons.
But her children have; Conquest, Battle, Skirmish, Melee, Brawl. Even the younger Squabble and Fracas. Bedecked in armour and gleaming weaponry. Flanked by their Centurary underlings, Conquest & Battle address the masses, sending in the guilty, and even "lucky, surprise combatants" into Arena to entertain the Realm and channel their "overflowing strength & judgement".
Some say that aeons ago, there was a prize for winning the Arena. A prize of fantastic worth.
But that is long forgotten...
* What It Represents
"Gevurah is 'the essence of judgment and limitation, and corresponds to awe and the element of fire"
"Gevurah is understood as God's mode of punishing the wicked and judging humanity in general. It is the foundation of stringency, absolute adherence to the letter of the law, and strict meting out of justice."
Arena is the Realm of Strength, where punishment is meted out as combat, and awe and judgement are represented by the addiction to watch violence.
* Roads
#VII Chariot
#VIII Lust
#XX Adjustment
#XII Hanged Man
* Population (Judgement)
Dreamers (Violent, Conflict obsessed, Voyeuristic, Judgemental), Red Blooded (mice, wolves, foxes, big cats, bears, horses), Winged (Raptors, Vultures, Sea Birds).
* Indigenous Creatures
Almost all of Arena's threats are imported. However, every so often, the sheer amount of bloodshed and destruction wakes great power; the concept Violence, a towering creature of bloodstains and devastating rage manifests from the soil. Arena either unites against the beast, or scatters, as all know Violence only knows how to hurt. And tear. And crush. Without thought or care.
* Power Structure
War's Children rule Arena in her... absence? Conquest, Battle, Skirmish, Melee, Brawl, Squabble and Fracas. Under their rule, more and more are thrown into Arena, for smaller and smaller infractions. In fact, under Battle & Conquest, "random" members of the populace are handpicked to fight to the death for entertainment. All for "the attention of Judgement".
Conquest is often seen reading War's latest laws and proclamations, Battle making judgement on those who just enter Arena "for Battle's sake".
Squabble & Fracas can often be found in Arena itself, fighting for reputation. Brawl stalks Judgement looking for punch-ups, while Melee is renowned as a champion duellist.
Most seem elusive, but the family are sure to notice if their younger siblings are hurt... Or worse.
Battle leads armies of armoured "law enforcers" known as the Centuries of War. Each army is a hundred Centruaries, led by a Centurion; each Centurion is a champion in the Arena, saved from endless combat by Battle, personally, handpicked to be agents of the law. And by law, it boils down to stalking Judgement for those not glued to screaming at or cheering on Arena, and then proceeding to hand them over to War's children, beat them to a pulp, or worse... Throw them into Arena.
Conquest has smugglers and pirates working for them, bringing larger and wilder monsters from all around the Dream, to bring glory to the Arena. On an unrelated note, some Judgement citizens are thrilled to see participants from other Realms fighting to the death... Participants who look confused, unsure where they are, or how they got there...
* Ties To Moonchild
So far, none.
* Costume
Everyday 1950s outfits... Torn from battle, and repaired with armour, leather or metal. Often very Red. Very Mad Max.
The Centuries wear Lorica Segmentata made of recycled, patchwork metal, wearing red underclothes.
* Choices for Character Creation
Sleepers tied to Arena are exceptional fighters, skilled with weapons...
...or are able to channel their anger into life saving berserk rages...
...or are touched by the Realm so deeply that they are gifted with a detailed Brief about Arena.
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