Sunday, 25 June 2017

Realm; The Kingdom


The Kingdom, Malkuth, is the realm closest to The Waking World, and thus mirrors many of its qualities.
Its population is almost entirely Dreamers, but with a small number of Winged & others whose waking world counterparts are domesticated or close to Dreamers. As the closest to the Waking World, it is the most likely to change as time progresses.

To most of its inhabitants and visitors, The Kingdom is a gleaming plastic & metal city of combed hair and wide smiles. Men make money, and their spouses tend to the home. White picket fences and tupperware parties. Everyone has their place in the system, and Everyone is Happy. Even Concepts, and creatures of the imagination, have their place in the system. The only fear is The Bomb, but Ho Ho, That Will Never Happen. We have underground shelter networks for that...
Some people look unhappy, dragging themselves to work, cogs in an unrewarding machine. But ask them, and they will tell you they are happy. So why argue?

But to some, The Kingdom is a prison. Think a  thought out of the norm, dress differently, speak out of line, and the Smiling Joe will find you. And once he does, you vanish. Some say you go behind The Wall, and live in misery, a world of rubble & struggle where the dissident, the different, the outspoken dwell.
Others say you become food for Smiling Joe.

But Smiling Joe doesn't exist. There is no Smiling Joe, no Mack the Knife, no Mr. Happy. There is no man behind the corner in the star-spangled suit, his face a golden, beaming smirk. He doesn't feed on your secrets, your paranoia. He never struck a deal with a Great Golden Owl who had fed on the dreams of History's greatest tyrants.
He doesnt exist.
That would be mad.
Because that would imply there would be a reason to be unhappy.
And Everyone is Happy.

You have no secrets.
Move along.

* What It Represents
"Malkuth means Kingdom. It is associated with the realm of matter/earth and relates to the physical world, the planets and the solar system."
"Unlike the other nine sephirot, it is an attribute of God which does not emanate from God directly. Rather it emanates from God's creation—when that creation reflects and evinces God's glory from within itself."
Malkuth is the Dream's reflection of Reality. It is the closest to the zeitgeist of the Waking World.

* Roads
#XX Aeon
#XXI Universe

* Population
Almost entirely Dreamers, in their millions, if not billions. These Dreamers are those led by what they experience, what they see and hear, molded by the Zeitgeist.
The Winged here are Canaries, Pigeons, Mocking Birds, Fowl, Raptors & Owls. They are all supposedly the eyes of Smiling Joe. These birds are known as The Dirt, after their gossip collecting skills.
Red Blooded include Mice, Cats, Dogs, Foxes, etc; urban or domestic animals.

* Indigenous Creatures
Smile Men, if they exist, may resemble figures in trenchcoats and hats with camera eyes.
If they were real, they might make you disappear if you disagree with Smiling Joe.

The Military Industrial Complex ("MIC") sprawls for miles, producing soldiers and tanks and planes and guns and guns and guns. Soldiers produced by the MIC are more weapon than individual, vehicles and machines of war resembling huge metal beasts.

Sources and other Concepts that are born in Malkuth, or journey there, do so to effect the Waking World. Many are harmless... But some Concepts & Sources want only to infect the zeitgeist with themselves. Some will hide in the Kingdom until the time comes for them to escape...

* Power Structure
The Kingdom claims to be a free world where everyone is free to follow in the footsteps of their popular icons. But that couldn't be further from the truth.
In truth, Smiling Joe chooses who succeeds and who fails. And whose ideas are harmless and safe and whose ideas are poisonous and need to be silenced. He does this through his brutal Smile Men.
Of course, there's no evidence about Smiling Joe.
Ha ha.
Ho ho.

* Ties To Moonchild
The Moonchild has a home here... Somewhere.

* Places of Interest
Some wonder whatever happened to The King, the Hero Maker. His cigar smoke has been missing from his Studio / Throneroom for years. He must be somewhere. He cant possibly be in hiding. Or imprisoned; after all, he's a master of escapism...

And others wonder about The Bomb, and whether it is safe inside the Military Industrial Complex...

Over the horizon is the Waking World. If Dreamers keep walking that way, they can return to reality. It's that simple.

* Costume
1940s and 1950s everyday wear. Suits and dresses, leather jackets and big skirts.
Businessmen, housewives, rockabilly, bikers, beatniks, letterman jacket clad jocks, cheerleaders.

* Choices for Character Creation
Sleepers linked to Malkuth are usually extreme rebels, fighting against the system, gifted with instincts of survival...

...or are defined by their reliance to society, gifted with an additional item, extra Emotion or Memories in exchange for their time & dedication to the system...

...or know Malkuth inside and out, gifted with a Brief about Malkuth.

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