Sunday, 25 June 2017

Realm; Planet Hod


Hod, the Realm of Splendour, appears as a shining silver planet, surrounded by shimmering rings, in a twinkling starscape. Tall, sleek silver towers rise out of the planet, visible from afar, crackling bright lightning emanating from Tesla coils and neon rings and risks glowing around the buildings. Spinning UFOs, funny-sounding bubble cars, sleek rockets (and something new and enormous called... star... ships?) fly from the surface to the many twirling stations orbiting the planet. Further out spin tiny moons, and even planetoids, miles wide and visible in the swirling, twinkling darkness of Thoughtspace, from Hod's surface.
Hod is a realm of gleaming, bright, just unobtainable Science Fiction.

Citizens of Hod are inventors or adventurers, travelling Thoughtspace looking for threats to peace to eliminate with diplomacy, new planetoids & moons to catalogue, or new substances to locate to aid with thrilling, brilliant invention. Plenty of ships, moons & planetoids in Thoughtspace have yet to agree to the Science Council's offers of Splendour Though Unity, Unity Through Peace.

* What It Represents
"Hasidic Judaism's view of Hod is that it is connected with Jewish prayer. Prayer is seen as form of "submission"; Hod is explained as an analogy - that instead of "conquering" an obstacle in one's way, (which is the idea of Netzach), subduing oneself to that "obstacle" is related to the quality of Hod."

"Hod is where form is given by language in its widest sense, being the key to the "mystery of form" (this may be an adoption of a point of view of Jacques Lacan). Our unconscious desires come from Netzach, and are given form in the symbolic realm by Hod, manifesting unconsciously through Yesod to Malkuth."

"Hod is described as being a force that breaks down energy into different, distinguishable forms, and it is associated with intellectuality, learning and ritual, as opposed to Netzach, Victory, which is the power of energy to overcome all barriers and limitations, and is associated with emotion and passion, music and dancing."

Planet Hod represents the splendour of the future, embraced ("submission") by Dreamers as a sci-fi, Ray-Gun Gothic World, rather than the dream-self of Malkuth. It is a realm of idealised, glorious science fiction rather than mundane, life-changing science fact.

* Roads
#XII Hanged Man
#XV Devil
#XVI Tower
#XIX Sun
#XX Aeon

* Population
The bulk of the populace is made up of adventurous, "scientifically minded" (well, what they think of as science) Dreamers, in their ships and rockets, exploring or inventing.
Seabirds, previously Wavefarers, are now Spacefarers, the crews and officers of these newfangled Starships. Gulls & Cormorants serve as the coloured-shirt-clad yeomen, with vainglorious Albatross captains, Petrel communications officers, and Puffin & Albatross medical staff.

The logical, empathetic Doves are the ambassadors and mouth pieces of the Science Council. Skilled diplomats, they look for any way to avoid conflict but achieve further peace. They operate from their own space station, the White Hand.

The Winged of the River, Ducks, Geese & Swans, live on their quicksilver canal planet of Mercury. Once seen as kings of trade, the Swans now rule pseudo fantasy feudal nations from they temple thrones, protected by the savage-noble Geese.

Other alien races live on the scattered moons and planets circling Hod. Children of Dust, like Spiders, Insects & other bugs. Cold Blooded Lizards, Reptiles & Snakes. "Xenos" Winged like Parrots, Toucans, Peacocks. Their cultures are unknown.

* Indigenous Creatures
Some particularly alien Concepts reside on distant moons & ships, waiting to be found by Dreamers.

Many ships and labs have autonomous Ideas, living creatures of shining metal and sparking circuitry born of new inventions. Most are cold and logical, looking for their place in the world.

* Power Structure
The progressive world of Hod is overseen by the Science Council, a progressive meeting of minds and different races native to Hod wanting to ensure the Splendour of Hod is sustained through peace, cooperation, and socialism. The Council's first priority​ is to avoid violence at all costs, and only resort to raygun fire when all other options have been exhausted; violence in peace time is an offence met by exile.

The Council wants to unite all worlds within Hod, promoting cooperation. Of course, some worlds see this fledgling federation of races as a threat to their autonomy. It is unknown if the current Chairwoman, the Mercurian President Harmony Lionheart XIV, has alterior motives.

The Doves of the White Hand are the Council's greatest supporters, and act as their ambassadors.
It is unknown if the Council knows about the other Realms... Or what would happen if they did.

* Ties To Moonchild
The Moonchild has been seen on Hod. It is believed they have a moon, somewhere...

* Places of Interest
Scattered around Thoughtspace are Golden ships & planetoids, with a distinct Mezoamerican design, that turn up eratically. These are believed to contain motherloads of ancient Winged technology, epoch old powersources just waiting for new takers.
Every one previously explored has been well guarded by monsters-without-explanation, or haunted by neon spirits.

* Costume
Silver jumpsuits, flashing and glowing lights, sleek & futuristic. Devices with light-up rings and shiny buttons. Star Trek meets The Jetsons. Bubble helmets and jetpacks, raygun and laser swords.
Those from Mercury wear Science Fantasy gear; all filigree armour and alien robes, loincloths and sparkling jewellery.
Alien worlds wear noble savage uniforms of leather and metal, with uncouth weaponry, or alien interpretations of Hod's own shimmering uniforms.

* Choices for Character Creation
Oneironauts of Planet Hod have often created Science or expressed Splendour, and are able to Sing, gifted with a Song...

...or have been caught in a laser fight, knowing how to heal the most grievous wounds...

...or have explored, gaining a detailed brief on Planet Hod and it's Thoughtspace.

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