Sunday, 25 June 2017

Sleepers; Perfect

Perfects - Those who feel ties to the physical body, whether through image, strength, or sexuality. Their goals involve improving / changing their form, or promoting conflict / romance.
Perfects' gift is a CREST, an ever present growing image or tattoo. Different Crests, when improved with Memories, enhance the body differently.

Perfects use Memories & Hopes to give themselves extra combat abilities.
Embracing Personal Hope gifts the Perfect with their True Form, the revelation of their Soul's body, gifting them with unique physical qualities.

You choose from three different kinds of Perfect, each vastly different;
* Eyes of Fire; You focus on your looks & beauty, able to change the world with your popular voice...
* Hearts of Clay; You focus on your sexuality, able to help those you love...
* Hands of Iron; You focus on your fitness & strength, your body untouchable...

You choose five from below to improve your Crest.
You can choose each option multiple times;
* SANDOW; Like the Greek Ideal, you are sculpted to perfection.
* CLEOPATRA; Like the Queen of the Nile, you are clad in the armour of your own beauty.
* DE SADE; Like the Marquis, you leave your mark on this world, with body and words.
* NG MUI; Like the Martial Artist, you evade your enemy's blows with unnatural speed.
* MULAN; Like the Soldier, you have learnt to strike with purpose.

Ideas; "Farokh", a charismatic young man with a royal crest on his back, confident in his sculpted, pristine body.

"Wicked", a large, crass, torrid woman with Flamingo Crests, immune to society's norms and chains.

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