Sunday, 25 June 2017

Realm; The Forgetting


The air around Netzech, the realm of Victory, is thick with humidity, trekking through its dense, strange forests much like wading through stagnant, ancient water. The "sky" is dark and oppreessive, but in truth it is just the thick canopy that keeps the realm's oppressive nature contained. Around every treacherous corner, something huge and ancient, unknowable and defying convention lurks, always in the shadows and always hungry. Strange sounds and hunger cries ring out at the worst times, every sense telling you that you have tresspassed.

This is not a Victory to be celebrated by any visitor. Netzech is the realm claimed by the enigmatic & isolationist Extinction, a dread, tall shadowy concept wishing to be left alone. Aeons ago, all the dead things in the world were considred alien ands unknowable; simple ideas like charity and survival had been replaced by ego and oppression. For old creatures devoid of modern logic, even nonexistence had become problematic. Extinction, disgusted at the world, sacrificed himself so that all the dark, elder things could escape modern thought.

What remains of Extinction cares for his terrifying subjects here. The great tree they escaped on has grown into the "forests" of this realm, an endless wooden maze covered in moss and unidentifiable flora, a thing of never ending fear. Wood is petrified to stone, by the memory of terrible incidents and unnatural monsters. This is the home of every primal fear, every preternatural hunter, every primordial memory that triggers a "fight or flight" reaction. And they have no interest in your logic, or your world.
This is where Fear reigns.
A Victory Over Reality.
This a Realm most would want to Forget.

Extinction holds court at the centre, The Source Of The Problem, tended by his Found, dead creatures with enough foothold in reality that their presence is still felt here. Although not warlike, many are agressive and have the capability for great violence, unhappy at their paradise being invaded.
Some come poaching memories of monsters, looking for prizes and secrets lost to the living. And many never return; those that do always return changed, and shaken.

* What It Represents
"Netzach generally translates to 'eternity', and in the context of Kabbalah refers to 'perpetuity', 'victory', or 'endurance'."
"Netzach is "endurance," the fortitude, and patience to follow through on your passions."
The Forgetting represents fighting fear, and a realm where ancient, eternal fear rules.

* Roads
#IV Emperor
#XVI Tower
#XIII Death
#X Wheel of Fortune

* Indigenous Creatures
Those Sleepers haunted & hunted by a great fear can find their enemy here if nowhere else.

New Fears may grow in Netzech, spread by Dreamer's spoors of terror left in their wake.

 Extinction may summon Sleepers to clear these messes up, for some resemblance of respect...

* Population
Every denizen of Netzech is a dead Winged et al, an ancient Concept, or an extinct Found. That is, except for the few Dreamers who hold a deep attachment to fear, the hunt, survival. Victory over Reality.
The majority of Red Blooded, Dust Children, Winged or Lost in The Forgetting are extinct species. Bustards, Cara Cara, Laughing Owls, Dodos, Tasmanian Tigers, Mole Crickets, Mammoths, even powerful Saurids.

Extinction despises living Winged, claiming they are responsible for Everything Wrong.

* Power Structure
Extinction and his Found are the only power in The Forgetting.
Extinction holds every Dreamer linked to Netzech in contempt, considering them trespassers, but is willing to give them permission to explore at the very least. He trusts only a handful, who he keeps close to him at the Source of The Problem; the wise and respectful Anning Siblings, the babbling "moralist and tennis-shoed explorer" Gonzo, and his favourite, the young "Dreamweaver" & storyteller Edwin Maine.
From The Source Of The Problem, Extinction runs Court as judge, jury & executioner. Only the strong, and the blameless, survive.

* Ties To Moonchild
The Moonchild has no known ties to The Forgetting.

* Places of Interest
Beneath The Source of The Problem, the centre of what used to be a vast ship before it became a Realm, is an oubliette. Extinction only allows those handful of  Dreamers he judges as worthy to enter the oubliette, for inside is only darkness... A reflection of the fear inside every Soul... And one Treasure.
There is only what you take with you... Except for one very, very old wooden cup. The Chalice of Forgetting.
Even though a number have held it, no one has ever drunk from the cup...

Various creatures of fear have their own oubliettes and dark corners scattered around the Forgetting. Some are dank caves, others are huge overgrown fortresses of petrified wood and moss.

* Costume
Outfits in Netzech are those of survivors. Outdated clothing (1940s and earlier), torn and repaired with metal and leather armour pieces, small trophies woven in as reminders of victory. Cloaks and additional armour are often added.
The Found dress in ancient clothing from centuries and decades before, sucked dry of all colours, left drab and grey.

* Choices for Character Creation
Sleepers linked to Netzech can channel fear into terrifying bellows...

...or are able to hold their ground against terrifying foes...

...or know The Forgetting well, gaining a Brief of Netzech.

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