Sunday, 25 June 2017

Sleepers; Prince

Princes - Those who desire to / need to lead, driven by a need / right to control. Princes need to create packs of many followers to support their majesty. Princes' goals include gathering a large number of allies, dethroning others, and staying in control.
Princes' gift is a DIADEM, a Crown of leadership. Diadems inspire fear, cause silence, spread majesty.

Princes use Memories to link others to their Diadem, protecting them from the Diadem's power.
Princes also use Memories to buff everyone linked to the Diadem.
Princes use Hopes to create Grand Diadems. These are copies of the previous Diadem, but the new Grand-Diadem ranks higher. Using these, the Prince creates a pyramid of power, which they always top.
Princes use Hopes to give permanent buffs to everyone linked to a Diadem, or empower the Diadem.
Embracing Personal Hope, a Prince embraces their past, why they were never on top, and now ascend for the pinnacle. An ascended Prince exerts authority in their chosen group, freely granting the abilities of one ally to another, or denying such power, at their behest.

You choose from three kinds of Prince;
* The Buzzard's Master; You use Fear & Silence to gain control of situations...
* The Eagle's Heir; You excel at combat to aid your allies...
* The Owl's Sister; You can sing and start with Ref-picked songs...

You choose from three different kinds of Diadem;
* Terrible Glory; Spreads Mass Fear & Silence
* Assumed Control; In Jaunts & DT, the Diadem wielder is always assumed to be the leader by NPCs
* Chains of Command; Starts connected to two other Sleepers


Ideas; "Regent", a purple-clad aggressively feminine young man, obsessed with his own glory, his own followers and his place in the world.

"Iron", a dominating woman in a power suit and armour whose best intentions will trample over those who don't side with her.

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